Sunday, May 24, 2009

Things that annoy

Things that annoy me:

  1. Titles that begin with a gerund, e.g. "Saving Silverman," "Being John Malkovich," "Inventing the Abbotts," "Doing the Something"...etc. Way overdone, too easy, too little thought. I was so annoyed when I found out they were finally making a movie based on my favorite author's life until I saw that it was titled "Becoming Jane." Jane herself would have been annoyed by this title I think. HOWEVER, the movie was very good so they may be excused.
  2. Non-reclosable grocery items. Like crackers, for instance. Townhouse Crackers come in "stay fresh packs" -- yeah right, they stay fresh until you open them. You can't possibly eat a whole entire stack of crackers, so what now? You're forced to tear the packaging all the way down just because that's the only way to open it and get the crackers out. When you're done, you try to twist up the end of the plastic, shove it back in the box and hurriedly close the lid before it becomes unravelled. Stay fresh my foot.
  3. Conversations that begin with "guess what?" How the hell should I know?
  4. People that complain all the time. Number 12 on the list of things I would change about myself if I could.
  5. so so so many more things, but I'm bored with this list already so never mind.

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